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Regional Lunch & Learn -DSHS Region 8 & UTHealth Houston School of Public Health

When & Where

March 31, 2025
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
7430 Louis Pasteur, San Antonio, TX 78229 OR Virtual ( View in Google Map)


Event Description

ABOUT: We are pleased to announce this collaborative gathering, where the DSHS Region 8 Office meets with the UTHealth Houston School of Public Health community. It is an opportunity for both organizations to come together, discuss programmatic and research priorities, and explore potential collaborations for students, faculty, and staff. ATTENDANCE OPTIONS: In-person: Texas Department of State Health Services 7430 Louis Pasteur, San Antonio, TX 78229 Room: 130; Virtual: (Teams)

Event Site Link

{ "name":"Regional Lunch & Learn -DSHS Region 8 & UTHealth Houston School of Public Health", "description":"ABOUT: We are pleased to announce this collaborative gathering, where the DSHS Region 8 Office meets with the UTHealth Houston School of Public Health community. It is an opportunity for both organizations to come together, discuss programmatic and research priorities, and explore potential collaborations for students, faculty, and staff. ATTENDANCE OPTIONS: In-person: Texas Department of State Health Services 7430 Louis Pasteur, San Antonio, TX 78229 Room: 130; Virtual: (Teams)\n\n", "startDate":"2025-3-31", "endDate":"2025-3-31", "startTime":"11:00", "endTime":"12:00", "location":"7430 Louis Pasteur, San Antonio, TX 78229 OR Virtual", "label":"Add to Calendar", "options":[ "Apple", "Google", "iCal", "Microsoft365", "MicrosoftTeams", "Yahoo" ], "timeZone":"America/Chicago", "trigger":"click", "inline":true, "listStyle":"modal", "iCalFileName":"Reminder-Event" }