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Personalized Food and Nutrition Strategies for Patient Care

When & Where

March 25, 2025
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Virtual - Microsoft Teams ( View in Google Map)


Event Description

A Food-First Approach to Cardiometabolic Health

3-Part Webinar Series Sponsored by Avocados – Love One Today

Join the Nourish Program in partnership with Avocados – Love One Today to learn about nutrition considerations for cardiometabolic health and gain tips for how to bring this information into practice with strategies and tools for patient care.

Part 1: Personalized Food and Nutrition Strategies for Patient Care 

In recognition of National Nutrition Month, an annual campaign established by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and this year’s theme, Food Connects Us, we’ll discuss how to tailor nutrition interventions to cultural, socioeconomic, and personal preferences. Through the lens of cardiometabolic health and an engaging culinary demo, this webinar will explore strategies to support sustainable dietary behaviors including meal planning and goal setting, and practical ways to incorporate food-first counseling into time-constrained clinical practice. Register for part 1!


Diana Guevara, MPH, RD, LD
Community Health Education Specialist, Nourish Program
UTHealth Houston School of Public Health

Rupa Mahadevan, MD
Assistant Professor, Community and General Pediatrics
Culinary Medicine Instructor
UTHealth Houston School of Public Health


Melisa Danho, MPH, RD, LD
Dietetic Internship Director
UTHealth Houston School of Public Health

To register for Part 2: Good Fats – Role in Cardiometabolic Health and Tips for Patient Care, please click here!

To register for Part3: Fiber - Role in Cardiometabolic Health and Tips for Patient Care, please click here!

Event Site Link

Additional Information

Personalized Food and Nutrition Strategies for Patient Care

{ "name":"Personalized Food and Nutrition Strategies for Patient Care", "description":"

A Food-First Approach to Cardiometabolic Health

3-Part Webinar Series Sponsored by Avocados – Love One Today

Join the Nourish Program in partnership with Avocados – Love One Today to learn about nutrition considerations for cardiometabolic health and gain tips for how to bring this information into practice with strategies and tools for patient care.

Part 1: Personalized Food and Nutrition Strategies for Patient Care 

In recognition of National Nutrition Month, an annual campaign established by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and this year’s theme, Food Connects Us, we’ll discuss how to tailor nutrition interventions to cultural, socioeconomic, and personal preferences. Through the lens of cardiometabolic health and an engaging culinary demo, this webinar will explore strategies to support sustainable dietary behaviors including meal planning and goal setting, and practical ways to incorporate food-first counseling into time-constrained clinical practice. Register for part 1!


Diana Guevara, MPH, RD, LD
Community Health Education Specialist, Nourish Program
UTHealth Houston School of Public Health

Rupa Mahadevan, MD
Assistant Professor, Community and General Pediatrics
Culinary Medicine Instructor
UTHealth Houston School of Public Health


Melisa Danho, MPH, RD, LD
Dietetic Internship Director
UTHealth Houston School of Public Health

To register for Part 2: Good Fats – Role in Cardiometabolic Health and Tips for Patient Care, please click here!

To register for Part3: Fiber - Role in Cardiometabolic Health and Tips for Patient Care, please click here!

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