Immune-Onc Therapeutics, Inc. is a newly established biopharmaceutical company focused on developing innovative therapeutic antibodies for cancer treatment. The Company is applying the latest scientific insights and expertise in drug development to advance novel immuno-oncology products and bring new treatment options to cancer patients, including technology developed in part in the laboratory of UTHealth’s Dr. Zhiqiang An. |
Medical Innovators Company |
Cellvation, Inc. is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel cellular therapeutics for the treatment of traumatic brain injury. Cellvation is also developing CEVA-D, a novel bioreactor that enhances the anti-inflammatory potency of bone marrow-derived cells without genetic manipulation. These technologies are based out of the labs of Drs. Charles S. Cox, Jr. and Brijesh Gill. |
WNTrix, Inc. is a biotechnology company aiming to develop breakthrough therapeutics for cancer treatment. Its first program is based on the discovery of antibodies and their drug conjugates against a novel target by UTHealth’s Dr. Q. Jim Liu. The target is abundantly expressed in cancer cells in substantial fractions of solid tumors and in tumor-associated immune cells. Its targeting may provide a novel treatment to patients with tumors expressing high levels of this target. |
AusTech Pharmaceuticals LLC |
Acelerox, LLC |
Coagulex, Inc. is focused on the development, manufacture, and sale of hand-held MEMS based point of injury coagulation assessment tools. The devices, co-invented by UTHealth’s Dr. Brijesh Gill, Dr. Charles S Cox, and Kevin Aroom, potentially provide actionable results for therapeutic intervention within 120 seconds, without the need for pre-calibration, and with a limited blood sampling requirement (less than 50 microliters). |
Decisio Health, Inc is commercializing a clinical decision support platform created by the team at UTHealth’s Center for Translational Injury Research (CeTIR) led by Dr. John Holcomb. The platform hopes to improve clinical outcomes and reduce hospital costs by visually integrating clinical result and patient information in real-time while providing decision assist recommendations based on customizable clinician defined protocols. |
Zymo Pharmaceuticals, LLC |
Panamab, Inc. is a biotech company that focuses on new target identification and validation, and discovery and development of first-in-class and/or best-in-class monoclonal antibodies and companion diagnostics for the treatment of cancers and other serious diseases based on technology developed in part in the laboratory of UTHealth’s Dr. Zhiqiang An. |
LifeBot, LLC |
Alzeca Biosciences, LLC |
Neogenis Labs, Inc. was created to develop novel formulations of nutritional supplements for daily cardiovascular health as well as enhanced exercise performance based on research developed by UTHealth’s Dr. Nathan Bryan in the Institute of Molecular Medicine. Neogenis launched their first product in August of 2010. |
Accumed Systems, Inc. commercializes innovative tools for interventional medicine. Recently, Accumed became a UTHealth Porfolio company by licensing the technology pioneered by UTHealth’s Drs. James Willerson and Ward Casscells in the area of thermal detection of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque. |
EMIT Corporation (Emergency Medical Interventional Technologies Corporation) is developing trauma care products based on innovative devices developed by UTHealth’s Drs. Charles Cox, Jr. and Brijesh Gill from the Departments of Pediatric Surgery and Surgery, respectively. EMIT’s first product includes a novel, patent-protected, portable fluid warmer to deliver therapeutic temperature management to patients experiencing hypothermia anywhere in the world and much sooner after injury. |
NanoMedical Systems, Inc. (NMS) is developing novel implantable nanochannel-based drug delivery systems developed by Dr. Mauro Ferrari and colleagues. Nano-channel chips allow for controlled drug release from subcutaneous reservoirs. NMS is pioneering personalized medicine by integrating semiconductor, biotechnology, MEMS/NEMS, and pharmaceuticals. |
Windmill Cardiovascular Systems, Inc.(WCS) is commercializing a left ventricular assist device and a total artificial heart, in addition to other cardiovascular and non-biomedical devices. The WCS blood pump, TORVADTM, eliminates inlet and outlet valves while providing capability for control and synchronization with the native heart over a wide range of blood flows from near steady flow to pulsatile flow. |
SES's innovative web-based disaster exercise technology targets health care responders and other vital response sectors in areas where they have health related responsibilities, such as law enforcement, EMS, fire services, preparedness training in bioterror, mass casualty, natural disaster, and pandemic flu. SES webinars feature nationally known speakers dealing with topics pertinent to the disaster preparedness community to provide exercises and assessment needs. |
TexTeach, LLC develops and markets products in the field of elder care based on research by UTHealth’s Dr. Nancy Bergstrom and colleagues. TexTeach’s products include instructional videos titled “How to Predict and Prevent Pressure Sores” and “Elder Loving Care Oral Hygiene: Caregiver Training. |
Endothelix, Inc., an early stage medical company, was awarded a $1 million grant from the State of Texas Emerging Technologies Fund for the development of its VENDYS™ system, for the measurement of vascular reactivity, and endothelial dysfunction. Recently VENDYS™ was approved by the FDA for commercial sale. |
PLx Pharma Inc. specializes in developing new formulations of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) pioneered by Dr. Lenard Lichtenberger. PLx completed four clinical trials with two lead products, and a third product recently received IND approval. PLx raised over $11 million, and has sponsored $4M in research to UTHealth and UT Medical Branch. |
Volcano, Inc.,(VOLC: NASDQ) est. in 2001, specializes in the manufacture of intravascular ultrasound and other devices for use in the assessment of heart and vascular disease. Volcano had an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in June 2006, based, in part, on the value of technology pioneered by UTHealth faculty Drs. James Willerson and Ward Casscells in the area of thermal detection of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque. Volcano currently has over 500 employees with worldwide sales approaching $100 million. |
LifeCell(LIFC) develops and markets products in the field of regenerative medicine for use in reconstructive surgical procedures. LIFC’s products include ALLODERM® regenerative tissue matrix, for plastic reconstruction. LIFC had an IPO in 1992, and in 2008, projected revenues are estimated at $233.0 million. LIFC recently announced its acquisition by Kinetics Concepts Inc. for $1.7 B. |