Sponsored Project Lifecycle
Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA), as part of Finance and Business Services, supports UTHealth faculty, staff, and students in the acquisition and administration of programs funded from sources outside the University. SPA is the central point of coordination and tracking for sponsored projects and is UTHealth’s authorized representative for grants, contracts, and other agreements from government agencies, private industry, and non-profit foundations.
Tax ID: 74-1761309
DUNS: 800771594
CAGE Code: 0NUJ3
Congressional District: District 9
Cognizant Federal Agency:
Dept. of Health and Human Services
Physical Address:
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Sponsored Projects Administration
7000 Fannin, UCT 1000
Houston, Texas 77030
Phone: (713) 500-3999
F&A Rate:
Federal - 56%
Non-Federal - 30%
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