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Environmental Health and Safety

Campus Safety

EHS Main Office 713-500-8100 (answered M-F, 8:00AM-5:00PM CST)
EHS Hotline 713-500-5832  (after hours, weekends, holiday for the on-call safety specialist)
For Emergencies, Dial UT Police Dispatch 713-792-2890 or 911

Safety, Health, Environment & Risk Management’s (SHERM) mission is to work in conjunction with the UTHealth community to ensure that education, research, and health care service activities take place in conditions that are optimally safe and healthy for all students, faculty, staff, visitors, surrounding community and the general public.

Put simply, we exist to help people go home as healthy and safe as they arrived.

Our main office is located at the Operations Center Building (OCB 1.330) and we can be reached at 713-500-8100 or Fax 713-500-8111.

UTHealth services front door.jpg

UT Health Services and the Office of Safety, Health, Environment, and Risk Management are pleased to announce the process for reporting a workplace injury is now online.  The Supervisor's First Report of Injury is required when medical attention is necessary from a workplace injury. With the announcement of this online form, listed below are some resources that will help navigate this new system.

Supervisor's First Report of Injury Training video, this training video requires a UTHealth Houston employee to sign in.

Supervisor's First Report of Injury Education (PDF)
Bloodborne Pathogen (BBP) Exposure FAQ (PDF)


Join Dr. Robert Emery, "Safety Bob", as he talks about UTHealth Safety, Health, Environment, and Risk Management (SHERM) service roll to the University, peer reviews, client satisfaction surveys, and how it all ties together with our research and peer review publications.  Please visit SHERM Academics for information on our link with UT School of Public Health’s Division of Epidemiology, Human Genetics & Environmental Sciences to include courses as well as our recent publications.

Reminder about PPE use:

This is a reminder to all research personnel that Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should not be worn outside of the laboratory setting. Recently there have been instances of people observing researchers wearing in public spaces, specifically using gloved hands to open doors or push elevator buttons. After all, do you really know where that glove has been? 

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should not be worn outside of the laboratory setting

Please do not wear gloves or other PPE outside of the laboratory, especially on elevators, in hallways, or in break rooms.

If it is necessary to transport items between labs on the same floor, one hand may be gloved, while the other hand remains without a glove to open the doors between labs. Gloves should never be worn in the elevator or break rooms. Ideally items should be transported using carts and secondary containment, especially when transporting items between floors.

CFH energy savings

Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) and Facilities, Planning & Engineering (FPE) have partnered to help educate research staff on the safe and energy efficient use of chemical fume hoods within our UTHealth laboratories.  Here is why we care about the chemical fume hood sash height:

For safety:

When using a fume hood, keeping the sash height at the designated height (which is clearly indicated by a bright yellow sticker) helps protect users from potentially dangerous chemical fumes and splashes.

For energy conservation:

Fully closing the fume hood sash when not in use, or at the end of the day after use, helps to save a considerable amount of energy.

Did you know?

  • A single open fume hood consumes as much energy as 3.5 residential homes!
  • Closing the fume hood sash helps to reduce the amount of air exhausted out of the building, therefore reducing the amount of air that must be conditioned within the lab space by the building’s HVAC system.
  • Energy savings = cost savings for UTHealth!

We now have the capability to remotely monitor chemical fume hood performance, so don’t be surprised if you see a friendly EHS or FPE staff member coming by your laboratory to provide a reminder about keeping the fume hood sash closed when not in use.

Thank you for doing your part to work safely and energy efficiently!

total worker health article

In the May 2023 issue of Professional Safety, the monthly journal by the American Society of Safety Professionals', Robert Emery, Dr.P.H., CSP, Scott Patlovich, Dr.P.H., CSP, and George Delclos, Ph.D., M.D. were featured for UTHealth Houston's Holistic approach to Total Worker Health.  Featured in the journal as a Best Practice article the authors chronicle the approach, the systems, and philosophy behind the approach to keep everyone safe and healthy as they go about their day at the University.  For more information, please select the link.

The Legendary Safety Bob, no really, he's legendary....
Safety Bob and Amy Orders

The Campus Safety, Health, and Environmental Management (CSHEMA), an organization that serves health and safety professionals that work in higher education, has honored one of our own Robert Emery, DrPH, with Legendary status among safety professionals.  Known around campus as "Safety Bob", perhaps "the Legendary Safety Bob" might be a better nickname.   Either way, we would like to congratulate him for this recent honor.  You can find more information about the Legendary Safety Bob from Inside UTHealth Houston recent article by Faith Harper.

Snehal Rana training School of Dentistry students

Initial Lab and Bloodborne Pathogen's Safety Training

Online only, can be completed using Safety Assistant LMS

Annual Lab and Bloodborne Pathogen's  Training

Online only, can be completed using Safety Assistant LMS

Basic Radiation Safety Training
March 26-27, 2025
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Cyclotron building Training Room
Both days are required to attend
WebEx training may be scheduled upon request

For directions to the Cyclotron building or CYF
For a map using Google Maps click here

Infectious Substance Shipping Training

Online only, can be completed using Safety Assistant LMS
Please contact Biological Safety at 713-500-8170 regarding questions about this training

UTPhysicians Training Courses -link with course details
Initial Clinical Safety Training
Clinical Refresher Safety Training
Medical Waste Shipping Training

Questions regarding training or University Online Learning platforms?
Contact Stephen David at 713-500-5858
or contact our main office at 713-500-8100
For quick access to University Online learning platforms:
Safety Assistant LMS  Available to all University Student's, Resident's, Employee's, and UTPhysicians Employee's.
iLearn Available to all University Employee's and UTPhysicians Employee's.